About Me

easter close up

Taken by Ta’Niya Breedlove

Greetings! My name is Ta’Niya. I appreciate you for reading.

Originally, this blog was for the purpose of a grade. I intended to use it in my Junior Year Digital Media Writing class. After the first post, I realized how inspired I was. I realized that it was a type of therapy for me. I was inspired to use my voice through writing. I realized that my readers could get the same emotions just by reading. They could feel what I was or visualize what I saw at that moment. I intend for my readers to feel inspired, entertained, informed and embrace whatever else they feel from my posts.

I am, at this moment, a young- Christian- African American woman in college. Those different categories are my bias. There are others that fit into those categories, as well. College students from all over can understand the great and hard moments of being in school. Others can relate to being a 1990’s child, like me. Others can understand the social and cultural life of an African American. Women can understand the balance of growing up as a New Age Feminist. This blog is also a tool for that hose that don’t have any idea about any of these categories.

This blog will be used as a diary of my day to day life experiences. My intentions are not to offend anyone with this blog. Though these thoughts are mine, I understand that there are others that feel differently. My thoughts are not paid for nor are they endorsed. However, I am open to jobs realizing my style of writing and wanting to publish them on their site. I want for these blogs to be genuine thoughts and open for discussions. I believe that most people that read this blog will be cultured women between the ages of 18-35. Yet, I fully embrace various ages, cultures and sex to read and experience my journey through life.

I write what I deeply feel at the moment. I would like to have a blog uploaded once a week. Though this is what I want, I am realistic. I know that life gets the best of me sometimes and weekly posting is difficult. I also know that there are times when I am wanting to post more than one a week. My goal is to not feel forced in my writing but to recollect events throughout my week and jot down what I’m passionate about that week. This way the posts are genuine.

My blog, As-Told-By-TaNiya, is not intended for any competition. There are differences in all blogs. Other blog sites may cater to one specific thing or need. Mine does not. I will not conform to one particular need. I love that I will have diverse topics and thoughtful issues. I intend to run my blog just like most people think. Humans think of various topics and are interested in a wide variety of things. I cater to that need.

My goal is to never overexert my readers with information. I don’t intend to just spew out statistics or facts. I love to keep my blog as a conversational piece or storytelling. I realize that most of my readers have grown up in this modernized world and enjoy technology. My readers enjoy different styles of communicating, visuals and anything that’ll stand out to capture their attention. I love taking pictures and putting them into my blog. Various selfies or candid photos of the subject and me make my blog personable. I also enjoy to add in various links to locations that I write about. I love to link videos as well or upload my own videos. I am looking forward to possible branching out and doing a YouTube show that will counteract with my blog.  The videos will definitely allow readers to become more personal with me and see different “How to” segments that I have planned.

My audience needs to know that there is someone out there that goes through the same day to day struggles they go through. They can use this information as a tool or an observer for different outcomes for them. I feel that future jobs will see my blog and gather that I am a voice to a maturing demographic. There is no obstacle in stopping me from being a voice for them for many reasons. Firstly, I need this blog as much as my readers. Secondly, more of our women need other women that are like minded and striving to be successful. Lastly, everyone needs to be unified. For those that don’t understand this demographic, this blog will give an idea.

This blog will do nothing less than be a positive site. I want to use this platform to help, entertain and make readers think.

The way I can spread the word of my blog is by my readers. I want them to interact. Interact as much as possible, meaning commenting and liking on blog posts and videos. I mainly need readers to post on all their social networking sites and telling everyone they know. This way their friends and family will see and explore the adventures of my blog.



Personal Twitter Account: www.Twitter.com/TaniyaBreezy

Professional Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/Taniyabreenews

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