The Adventures of a New Age Feminist: My Opinion

Feminism. What does it mean? Oh, the many wonders and debates this one word causes. It easily can be defined as a person that supports the equality of ALL women.

It doesn’t mean that because you are a feminist, you hate men. It doesn’t mean that if you are a feminist, you’re instantly a lesbian. It also doesn’t mean that a man is less of a man because he is a feminist. These stereotypes must be clarified.

I identify as being a feminist. I recently took a Psychology of Women course. In the course, I realized that I had been a Feminist but didn’t know it. As would many conscious human beings that realize that fairness for women is important. Sadly, it is an issue that is overlooked and often times misunderstood. Human beings should realize equal pay for women is important. That women aren’t given the same amount of leadership opportunities. Also, that women desire to have a voice to be heard and deserve respect.

I could go on forever about the double standards and disadvantages that women face on a day to day basis. Yes, women are reaching new heights. Artists like Taylor Swift and Jennifer Lawrence taking a stand on Hollywood’s treatment of women. Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton campaigning tremendously reaching a new level for Women’s suffrage.

There are publically acknowledged day’s like International Women’s day that allow the conversation of the Feminist Movement to be discussed. 

 However, this article is about women against women. Constantly women are publically debating against stay at home mothers and working mothers, strippers and politicians, virgins and those that are slut-shamed. I’m here to point out that regardless of the differences between these women they really are one.

As a New Age Feminist, I have realized that as the movement progresses, the social media attention has caused a rift between the world known leaders and supporters of the movement.  Celebrity leaders like Emma Watson and Beyoncé have been viewed as one being a feminist while the other isn’t.

There are now two sides of the spectrum. It just so happens to be similar to the political side of things. There’s conservative feminists and then there’s liberal feminists.

The media attention for both sides has caused a rift in the movement. It seems to make the mission not clear and more of a social media circus.

Those that identify with the conservative feminists are those that usually dress professional and modest. Their leaders cause needed attention to the movement through thoughtful speeches, conferences, inspirational songs and televised interviews. Usually these groups of women are doctors, lawyers, politicians and social activists. The relatable leaders like Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton and Emma Watson make International Leaders pay attention to the need for support of ALL women. The conservative feminists are usually leaders that have been at the forefront of the movement for ages. They are what many would call the “founding sisters”.

Liberal feminists are new leaders to the feminist movement. However, their ways of promoting feminism are not conventional as the conservative. Those like Amber Rose and Beyonce have recently joined the movement and many have debated that they aren’t “true feminists”.

Liberal Feminists celebrities don’t have a college degree and are reality stars and bring a different perspective to the feminist movement. Some are reality stars, known strippers, and from all walks of life. Conservative Feminists believe that the liberal feminists focus on their bodies and aren’t Feminists to them.

Is this okay? What side should a young girl be on? Is this causing a break in the movement? These questions I can’t answer but I can give my opinion.

It should be respected that there are two sides to the spectrum. Though there are two sides or types of feminism, they still are feminists. There shouldn’t be a side. For example, just because you relate more to Eleanor Roosevelt or maybe Marilyn Monroe, it doesn’t mean your goal for women’s equality is different.

I believe that by judging or forming sides, it’s hurting the movement and causing the stereotype of women to form a disarray. Stereotypes like women are good for complaining and needing attention. Women shouldn’t publically bash each other. It’s okay to disagree but in the end realize that these are your fellow sisters. Especially if you call yourself a feminist, that is a contradiction not to support other women or look down on another woman. One group is not better than the other. I believe that women aren’t just good for complaining and have worthy issues of discussing and fixing. I believe that if both sides came together and realized they are one, the movement could only soar to new heights.


Signed by a Feminist.

One comment

  1. Marta Frant · May 4, 2016

    Yes, almost every modern woman has the superwoman complex. But I tend to think that balanced life is the best choice.


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